Zombies... Really?
Posted by Unknown
I admit it. I’m
not into zombies. The thought of someone (live or dead) eating my flesh gives
me the willies. I’m a science fiction fan of the highest order. Zombies have
never been part of my repertoire. Vampires? Yes, if the story doesn’t dwell on
the bloody part. Classy, or sexy… that’s what I like, not blood and guts.
(I will admit here that I did see “Slither”, but it’s not technically classified as a zombie movie even with its b rating.)
From there they made a trip to the local
video store to rent “Shaun of the Dead”
insisting that I needed to be educated.
“It’s a Comedy,” they said. “Hardly any of the zombie stuff at all.”
And I believed
Let’s just say,
I didn’t sleep well that night. Dreams of zombies filled my head, and not the
comedic kind. When I told them the next
morning about my bad night, they all laughed. I wasn’t impressed at all, but I
brushed it off as a learning experience. After all, we had a great day planned ahead. So I left all thoughts of zombies behind as we headed over the mountain pass to the
All was good.
After a lunch of battered gurnard and chips, we perused the surf shops and
artsy stores before heading back to the car to go to the local black-sand
And then… I saw it.
I’m not making
this up. I had to read the logo on the side of the van twice! Was this a
coincidence? I think not.
Zombies aren’t
real... right?